How to Listen to Hemi-Sync
For at least one half hour prior to listening to this exercise, refrain from eating heavily, drinking alcohol, or using drugs.
Use the restroom.
Loosen any tight clothing and remove shoes, eyeglasses, and contact lenses.
Adjust the volume to a low comfortable level. It is only important that you hear the words; your brain will automatically respond to the background sound.
Use stereo headphones.
Listen in a room with low light where there will be no interruptions for the duration of the exercise.
Have a blanket available.
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Keep your head supported.
If you have an itch, scratch. You will be able to easily return to your pattern of relaxation.
Visualize yourself doing what the words state.
It is not important that you stay awake. The exercise will be equally effective if you fall asleep while listening.
This exercise will alter your state of consciousness. Therefore, do not listen while driving or operating heavy equipment.
Do not listen to this exercise if you have a history or tendency toward seizures.
Do not use with other light and sound devices.